Who we are, what we do…
For a complete list of programs and services provided by Queens Centers for Progress (QCP) please visit our website or use the links below.
Mission Statement
Queens Centers for Progress is committed to providing person-centered services and supports to children and adults who have developmental disabilities. The goal of these services and supports is to promote independence, community involvement, and quality of life.
Who We Are
Queens Centers for Progress is made up of people working together to promote the independence of individuals with developmental disabilities. We play many different roles, but each of the agency’s more than 600 staff members is focused on this same goal.
A developmental disability is defined as a condition which:
• is attributable to physical or mental impairments
• is acquired before the individual is 22 years old
• is likely to continue indefinitely
• results in substantial functional limitations in three or more areas of major life activity
• reflects the person’s need for individually planned and coordinated services and supports of long-term duration.
QCP’s goal is to support each person in making the most of his or her talents, abilities, and interests. We seek maximum involvement from the individual in making the choices of goals and outcomes that have meaning in their lives. At the same time we provide a range of supports in those areas affected by the disabling conditions, so that the person can be as independent and integrated into the life of their community as possible.
More than 1,500 people now receive ongoing services from QCP. We provide services for people of all ages, from toddlers to the elderly; and for all aspects of life, including providing a place to live and work, health care, hygiene and life skills training, education, therapy, vocational training and recreation.
Our services include education, therapy, job training and placement, day programs, advocacy, service coordination, housing, and many other support services to help people with developmental disabilities lead fuller lives.
What We Do
Descriptions of QCP’s services for children and adults.
Children Services
- Preschool Educational & Therapeutic Services Ages 3-5
- Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Age 4
- Early Childhood Direction Center Ages Birth-5
- Home Equipment & Support
Adult Services
- Day Services Bellerose and Jamaica Centers
- CareerPrep
- Senior services
- Residential Services
- WorkSource Community Based Employment
- Clinic
- Family Support Services
- Community Habilitation
- Friday Night Social